ELD Rule: Is Your Trucking Company Exempt?

Phil Cohen

The enforcement of the ELD rule is approaching quickly. See if you and your fleet are exempt from using Electronic Logging Devices by reading this infographic.

Truck Drivers Exempt from the ELD Rule:

  1. Is your vehicle pre-2000? If your vehicle’s engine was manufacturing before the year 2000, you are exempt from using an ELD. *Note: This does not mean your VIN number.
  2. Are you driving a tow-away vehicle? If you operate a drive-away or tow-away vehicle, you don’t have to use an ELD because the vehicle you are driving is not your vehicle.
  3. Do you have to keep RODs? If you do not have to retain a Record of Duty, you are exempt. FMCSA further states drivers that maintain RODs for less than 8 days out of every 30 are exempt from using Electronic Logging Devices.

Understanding the 100 Air Mile Exemption

The 100 air mile exemption is a provision that allows certain commercial drivers to operate without using an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) if they meet specific conditions. This exemption is particularly relevant for drivers whose routes are within a limited distance from their starting point.

What is an Air Mile?

  • An “air mile,” also known as a nautical mile, measures 115.08 miles (or 185.2 kilometers) in standard terms.

Key Qualifications for the 100 Air Mile Exemption

To qualify for this exemption, drivers must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Driving Radius:
    • Stay within a 100 air mile (115.08-mile) radius of the starting work location.
  2. Trip Completion:
    • Start and end your driving day at the same location. This means reporting back to the initial work site by the end of the day.
  3. Work Hours:
    • Limit the workday to a maximum of 12 hours.
    • Ensure a break of at least 10 consecutive hours after each 12-hour work period.
  4. Driving Time:
    • Restrict actual driving to a maximum of 11 hours within any 12-hour duty period.

Additional Considerations

  • Record-Keeping: During a safety inspection, inform the officer that records are available at the carrier’s office, as you’re operating under this exemption.
  • Deviation from the Exemption:
    • If you exceed the 100-mile radius, drive beyond 11 hours, or fail to take necessary breaks, switch to a regular log—either paper or electronic.
  • Reporting Location Variations:
    • If your reporting location changes, you cannot use the exemption for that switch day but can resume on subsequent days.
  • Using an ELD Vehicle:
    • Exempt drivers can still drive vehicles fitted with an ELD by noting their exempt status in the system or providing an explanation for any unassigned driving time.

This exemption is useful for drivers who operate locally and want to streamline their logging practices while remaining compliant with federal regulations.

The Key Points of FMCSA’s ELD Mandate: Don’t Forget ‘Em

  • Commercial drivers who prepare HOS and RODS are required to use an ELD
  • ELDs must be registered with FMCSA and certified
  • The ELD Rule provides recourse for drivers who have been harassed

Important Dates and Stages of the ELD Rule

  1. December of 2015: The rule was established, which was the awareness and transition phase. ELDs were optional.
  2. December of 2017: ELD compliance phase, in which AOBRDs are grandfathered for two years.
  3. December of 2019: Mandatory use.

ELD Exemption Infographic

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If you are not exempt from using an ELD, see if a Simple Truck ELD would be a good fit for your trucking company.

While the ELD Rule might be causing you stress, your cash flow doesn’t need to be another headache. We specialize in freight factoring services for trucking companies of all sizes. If you could benefit from getting paid sooner for loads, give us a call or request a factoring quote online.

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Phil Cohen

Phil is the owner of PRN Funding and sister company Factor Finders. He has been an authority in the factoring industry for over 20 years, serving on the board of directors for several factoring associations.


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