It is imperative for every staffing agency to be able to increase purchasing power in order to expand operations, make payroll, and fill more shifts. The problem with growth in the temporary staffing industry is that staffing agencies often have to wait weeks or months to be paid for their service. This makes it difficult for staffing agency owner to have the capital to make weekly payroll and pay their vendors on time.
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Luckily, EZ Invoice Factoring has a solution to the waiting game. EZ Invoice Factoring will give you immediate cash for your invoices so that you can continue to expand your staffing business without the burdens of overreaching your cash flow limitations. Staffing factoring is an easy, affordable, and crucial service to temporary staffing agencies in need of funding. With accounts receivable factoring from EZ Invoice Factoring, temporary staffing agencies receive immediate funding to improve cash flow and purchasing power to keep business moving. Improved cash flow and purchasing power also allows temporary staffing agencies to purchase new inventory, make payroll, and take advantage of trade discounts.
While working with EZ Invoice Factoring, you will be able to offer more generous credit terms without creating a cash crunch. Our services create many opportunities for your business. You will able to:
- Extend credit to your customers without impacting your cash flow
- Increase sales
- Purchase new inventory
- Improve internal efficiencies
- Take advantage of trade discounts
- Strengthen your credit standards
- Explore new opportunities
EZ Invoice Factoring Provides Excellent Customer Service
EZ Invoice Factoring has expertise in the staffing factoring industry. We know that only a factoring plan individualized to your temp staffing agency’s needs can improve your business the way you need it to. Therefore, EZ Invoice Factoring promises to improve cash flow, reduce debt, and increase efficiency with our staffing factoring services. What’s more, EZ Invoice Factoring offers access to an online reporting system so all of our staffing factoring clients can monitor all aspects of their business 24/7/365.